Friday 21 March 2014

Fundraising goes live!

A bit keen I know but I wanted the page up early on.

I'll be raising funds for Macmillan Cancer Support. They improve the lives of those affected by cancer by providing information, support and care to those in need. 

Having received this support first hand I am keen to repay the favour! Please spread the word & share the link. It'd be much appreciated.

Tuesday 18 March 2014


Some may have noticed in the below post that my tracked route didn't quite hit the 23 mile target. Here's why....

Didn't have much warning and it could have ended up much worse had the trails been busier. 

So my RaceFace NEXT crankset has bit the dust. Still wanting to keep the 1x10 setup and not having the funds to get hold of the same setup again I'll be going for a Shimano ZEE.

Ride safe! 


I can certainly feel the benefit of getting back on the bike 'properly' and it's helped having the TD as a massive goal. 

I'm lucky to work on a circular 23 mile cycle route on which I can train on regularly. During the summer I'm planning to double up on the laps at least once a once a month to simulate longer days in the saddle with my bikepacking rig. 

Saturday 8 March 2014

Picking up the pace

So, been a little quiet on the blog front as I've been having a play with the bike setup. I feel that it's very close to being my ideal TD mile muncher.....

The eagle eyed amongst you will have noticed a few changes to the bike. Updates will follow shortly in 'The Bike' section as well as a review after a few months of use. 

Happy trails!